How Data Science Helps

Using data in training allows owners to succeed quicker, have fewer setbacks and learn from mistakes along the way. Data allows us to create an ethical structed training program that fits and can grow as your companion’s behavior improves. The goal of Data Dogs is to get it right the first time. Evidence-base training means you companion will have a deeper comprehension of commands, will retain behavior longer and will more rapidly resolve undesirable behaviors.



The first step is to evaluate your companions personality using a 24 question numerical survey and examine their results across five principle personality categories and compare their results to hundreds of other dogs I’ve collected over several years. The results quantify your companion’s unique combination of strengths and weaknesses.

Training Methods

Based on those results, we tailor the appropriate training methods from well documented resources to create a structed training program with weekly schedule with clear behavior objectives. Strategies for addressing undesirable behavior are outlined.


With a roadmap of where to go and how to get there, we go to work. I will directly demonstrate methods and monitor progress as training progresses to ensure the effective implementation the program. At the end of training cycle behavior is reevaluated and the program is modified to ensure progress is being made.